trust bizalom

What fits in the trust frame? Which is not really a frame, but a matrix. What am I talking about? Stephen Covey’s trust matrix. As the enclosed figure shows, we can approach our trust (or distrust) from four directions. Depending on how much we tend to trust and how much we like to question things. […]


önismeret self awareness

Why it’s good to have self-awareness, but mostly why it’s bad not to have some… Not once I hear from young leaders: “Erika, how do I let others know, that they should develop their self-awareness?”. Well? Good question… I usually tell them, that the lack of self-awareness is like a dirty sock. The one who […]


coaching or mentoring

… about who’s who Coaching is knowledge, mentoring is experience. Seeing that written down, I myself can see, that it’s not really obvious, what the difference might be, but let’s try to figure it out anyhow. I say coaching is knowledge, because without previous experience, you can go to a formal coach training and learn […]


vezető leader

What makes a good leader? A story, about Mr.T. (no, not that one…) I started my day today calling Mr.T. I called him, because it was his birthday, and because I love him. I never would have thought that I will write these lines. Especially not after that early morning, on that grey autumn day, […]


reziliencia resilience

… about safety nets So why has resilience become the buzzword of the pandemic? You would think it’s just one of those fads, that pop up and then quickly disappear, but no… Seems that this too, like COVID, is here to stay. What we need to be resilient, is to have and overall good feeling. […]


mindful mind full Albert Erika coaching and training

… about PRESENce The benefits of meditation have been proven for years. It’s a great tool for emotional self-regulation, used in schools and jails alike. When hearing the word meditation, most think of candles, incense and mantras. This is how we imagine meditation. Sitting in a lotus pose or lying in a corpse pose, seeking […]