Looking for a NEW JOB?

interview new job

… alternative interview tips It’s been a while since I actually wrote something useful, that might feel like proper career advice. So here is me trying. While cleaning the house this weekend, I came across a piece of paper pinned to my fridge door, that inspired me to write this post. So here is my […]


coaching or mentoring

… about who’s who Coaching is knowledge, mentoring is experience. Seeing that written down, I myself can see, that it’s not really obvious, what the difference might be, but let’s try to figure it out anyhow. I say coaching is knowledge, because without previous experience, you can go to a formal coach training and learn […]


vezető leader

What makes a good leader? A story, about Mr.T. (no, not that one…) I started my day today calling Mr.T. I called him, because it was his birthday, and because I love him. I never would have thought that I will write these lines. Especially not after that early morning, on that grey autumn day, […]